Type |
Common Name |
Price |
Gender (if not M) |
Angels |
Golden Angel |
$750 |
Blueface Angel |
$750 |
Jap. Masked Swallowtail Angel |
$1,000 |
Red Sea Regal |
$450 |
Chrysyrus Angel |
$450 |
Asfur Angel |
$400 |
False Personifer Angel |
$575 |
Annularis Angel |
$400 |
Blueline Angel |
$550 |
Bluespot Lemon Peel Angel |
$70 |
Lemon Peel |
$75 |
Flame Loriculus Angel Pair |
$300 |
3 |
Coral Beauty |
$50 |
Half Black Angel |
$45 |
False Lemon Peel Angel |
$45 |
1 |
Imperator Angel |
$100 |
Flame Back Angel |
$100 |
Bicolor Angel |
$65 |
Coco Peel Angel |
$650 |
Joculator Angel |
$1200 |
Tangs |
White Spine Tang |
$250 |
Purple Tang |
$500 |
Yellow Tang |
$1,500 |
Black Tang |
$1,600 |
2 |
Chevron Tang |
$4,000 |
Heart Desjardini Sailfin Tang |
$500 |
2 |
Blue Tang |
$100 |
Naso Tang |
$100 |
Lavender Tang |
$75 |
Flame Fin (Tomini) Tang |
$80 |
Clown Tang |
$75 |
2 |
Convict Tang |
$55 |
Powder Brown |
$85 |
Desjardini Sailfin Tang |
$150 |
Blue Eye Tang |
$60 |
Powder Blue White Cheek Hybrid |
$400 |
Wrasses |
Labouiti Wrasse |
$250 |
Madagascar Flasher Wrasse |
$500 |
F |
2 |
Madagascar Flasher Wrasse |
$1,000 |
Super Golden Rhomboid |
$400 |
2 |
Redtail Flasher |
$200 |
Bell’s Flasher |
$550 |
Mystery Wrasse |
$125 |
Decolores Wrasse |
$125 |
Pink Banded Fairy |
$550 |
2 |
Pink Banded Fairy |
$500 |
F |
Shark Finned Wrasse |
$100 |
Orange Back Fairy |
$70 |
Radiant Wrasse |
$100 |
Yellow Coris Wrasse |
$45 |
Hooded Fairy Wrasse |
$250 |
Nahacky’s Fairy Pair |
$750 |
Puffers |
Yellowbelly Dogface |
$300 |
Midnight Puffer |
$300 |
Clowns |
3 |
Maroon Pair |
$250 |
Midnight Ocellaris |
Seahorses |
3 |
Potbelly Seahorse |
$400 |
M |
3 |
Potbelly Seahorse |
$350 |
F |
Triggerfish |
Clown Triggerfish |
$350 |
Niger Triggerfish |
$50 |
Hawkfish |
Flame Hawkfish |
$65 |
Eels |
Skeletor Moray Eel |
$250 |
Snowflake Eel |
$60 |
Zebra Eel |
$200 |
Anthias |
Two Spot Basslet |
$150 |
M |
Two Spot Basslet |
$100 |
F |
Squareback Anthias |
$100 |
M |
Squareback Anthias |
$50 |
F |
Batfish |
Orbicularis Batfish |
$125 |
Teira Batfish |
$125 |
Blennies |
Ember Blenny |
$75 |
Midas Blenny |
$75 |
6 |
Lawnmower Blenny |
$45 |
2 |
Red Scooter Blenny |
$25 |
2 |
Starry Blenny |
$45 |
Red Dragonet Blenny |
$50 |
Butterflyfish |
Longnose Yellow Butterflyfish |
$75 |
1 |
Copperband Butterfly |
$100 |
Pakistan Butterfly |
$75 |
Filefish |
Scribbled Leatherjacket FIlefish |
$175 |
Goatfish |
Yellow Goatfish |
$125 |
Gobies |
Helfrichi Firefish |
$75 |
Orange Striped Yasha |
$60 |
6 |
Diamond Goby |
$35 |
4 |
Mandarin Green Goby |
$60 |
2 |
Purple Tile Goby |
$150 |
3 |
Neon Blue Cleaner Goby |
$20 |
Hogfish |
2 |
Redline Deepwater Hogfish |
$1000 |
Twospot Hogfish |
$65 |
Moorish Idols |
Moorish Idol |
$250 |
Foxfaces |
Metallic Foxface |
$200 |
Fiji Foxface |
$100 |
Cardinals |
Pajama Cardinals |
$25 |
Damsels |
5 |
Three Striped Damsel |
$10 |
5 |
Three Spot Domino Damsel |
$10 |
5 |
Yellowtail Blue Damsel |
$10 |
5 |
Springeri Damsel |
$10 |
Scorpions |
Pygmy Red Rooster Waspfish |
$75 |
Marine Bettas |
Marine Betta |
$200 |
Shrimps |
Red Banded Pistol |
$45 |
10 |
Peppermint Shrimp |
$20 |
Marine Algae |
Gracilaria Red |
$15 |
Snails |
25 |
Astria Snail |
$1 |
10 |
Bumble Bee Snails |
$3 |
Red Banded Trochus |
$4 |
Urchins |
2 |
Tuxedo Urchins |
$40 |
Misc. Fish |
Banana Fish |
$70 |
Anemones |
Ritteri Yellow Tip |
$200 |
Crabs |
7 |
Emerald Crab |
$10 |

Some Livestock Not in WYSIWYG Call or E-mail for Details
A lot of our fish are wishlist fulfillment and are committed so not included in this list